From the article...
Recent survey finds that s_x, tech and teens make bad bedfellows"When it comes to sex, tech and teens don't make the best bedfellows. As tech-savvy teens become increasingly fluent with new technology, from social networking sites to tricked-out new cell phones, research finds the negative consequences stacking up." (
click here to read the rest of the article)
Choices have consequences. It is important for parents and teens to understand the opportunities and pitfalls of technology...exploitation and experimentation are only a text away.
This does not bring may bring a laugh to some or a cheap thrill to others...but it does not lead to life. We must help our teens and students find a better way. Sexuality is a beautiful thing--God designed it to be enjoyed in the context of a committed, lifelong relationship. We live in a society that has confused lust for love and the consequences are painful and real.
One more sobering, though unsurprising insight from the article:
"Real life imitates life online. What teens and young adults are doing electronically seems to have an effect on what they do in real life: Nearly one-quarter of teens (22 percent) admit that technology makes them personally more forward and aggressive. More than one-third of teens (38 percent) say exchanging sexy content makes dating or hooking up with others more likely and nearly one-third of teens (29 percent) believe those exchanging sexy content are “expected” to date or hook up."This article does offer some helpful suggestions to parents like...
"Consider limitations on electronic communication. The days of having to talk on the phone in the kitchen in front of the whole family are long gone, but you can still limit the time your kids spend online and on the phone. Consider, for example, telling your teen to leave the phone on the kitchen counter when they’re at home and to take the laptop out of their bedroom before they go to bed, so they won’t be tempted to log on or talk to friends at 2 a.m."
If a teenager or student has no boundaries on cell phone, texting or internet usage, then that is not good for their health, saftey, or ultimate hapiness. In many cases students are addicted to texting and online social networks...they literally can't go without it. Again, I am not agaisnt technology--I use facebook and have a blog and a website and send text messages--but we must learn to use technology isntead of being used by it or being consumed by it.
Also check out....
5 tech secrets parents need to know "
Love it or not, Mom and Dad, technology isn't going away. Here's how to keep up with what your kids are using it for."I have tried to offer a positive vision of life for teenagers / students in
Welcome to College: A Christ-follower's Guide for the Journey.
Labels: Cultural Observations, Ethics, Parents, Sexuality, Thinking Christianly, Welcome to College