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McCain, Obama in sharp contrast on abortion - High court vacancies will create opportunities for president to alter policy

Think Christianly: McCain, Obama in sharp contrast on abortion - High court vacancies will create opportunities for president to alter policy

Monday, October 13, 2008

McCain, Obama in sharp contrast on abortion - High court vacancies will create opportunities for president to alter policy

As the rhetoric reaches fever pitch, the stakes have never been higher for the innocents--precious unborn human children (that picture is from an ultrasound of an 8 week old). And the next president will influence the next generation by appointing supreme court justices.

Will the 1.2 million - yes that was million - abortions performed each year go up or down? (For perspective, the state of Montana boasts a population of 945,000). Will the brutal practice of partial birth abortion--if you have never learned or seen what this involves--or an abortion procedure actually does-- Click Here. Warning these are disturbing images and they will and should disturb you because you are looking at a human life. Most Americans do not know which is why they seem indifferent. My goal is not to minimize the pain or guilt that those who have had abortions experience; but someone has to speak up for the lives of these little ones. Yes there is grace and forgivness, but choices have consequences.

Trust me, you will never think of the "abortion rights" (doesn't that sound noble?) debate quite the same once you have an image to go with an idea. I especially appeal to college students reading this blog because you may not know how hideous this procedure is because it gets covered over by the rhetoric of choice and rights. Reality has a way of changing our minds.

Here is an MSNBC article (not a bastion of conservatism by any stretch on how STARK the contrast is between these two candidates--Obama and McCain). Regardless of where you come down on "Christians being one issue voters", anyone who is pro-life must recognize that this election cycle is different. Real and lasting policy will be solidified for years to come. That is simply a fact.

Yes, I know 700 billion dollars for a bailout is a huge number, but so is 1.2 million lives. And you ask any parent--or one desiring to be a parent--which one is more valuable.

"The facts of science are clear: from the earliest stages of development, the unborn are distinct, living, and whole human beings. Therefore, every "successful" abortion ends the life of a living human being."

To learn more about understanding and making the case for the pro-life position, Click Here.
Also, Pro-Life 101: A Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your Case Persuasively
and, Common Ground Without Compromise

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