New Hampshire legalizes gay marriage

How do you go about thinking about the issue of gay marriage and homosexuality?
here is a previous blog with some thoughts and links.
Also, there is a forthcoming book, The Complete Christian Guide to Understanding Homosexuality, which looks very promising as well....
One of the hot–button issues of our day is fully addressed in this comprehensive new resource on homosexuality. This well–researched and highly readable guide is the perfect go–to manual for families, church workers, counselors, pastors, civic leaders, schools, and those who themselves struggle with same–sex attraction.
Readers will find the answers to these and many more important questions:
- What is homosexuality?
- Is the tendency for homosexuality genetic?
- How should the church respond?
- What’s the proper response when a relative or friend announces they’re gay?
- What are the legal and civic ramifications of homosexuality?
- Should homosexuals serve openly in the military?
- What about gay marriage and adoption?
Authoritative authors Joe Dallas (Desires in Conflict, When Homosexuality Hits Home) and Dr. Nancy Heche (The Truth Comes Out) tackle the hard questions about same–sex attraction in this helpful volume.
Another helpful book is God's Grace and the Homosexual Next Door: Reaching the Heart of the Gay Men and Women in Your World by Alan Chambers
Labels: Cultural Observations, Current Events, Gay Marriage, Homosexuality, Sexuality
"Also, there is a forthcoming book, The Complete Christian Guide to Understanding Homosexuality, which looks very promising as well...."
Here is everything a Christian needs to know about gay sex and you don't even have to buy a book. Are you ready? Think you can handle it? Ok, here goes:
It's none of your business.
Simple as that. It's none of your business. How two people have sex in the privacy of their bedrooms has absolutely no effect on our society, you as a human or even as a Christian.
Asserting that the Creator of the Universe gives a hoot about this silliness is, well, silly.
Ignoring your own holy book's Commandment to "love one another" is hypocritical.
I'm about as heterosexual as a man can be. I was born that way and cannot help it. The fact that I prefer women is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS and is especially none of the government's business.
Hello frank,
a couple of quick thoughts because you seem to have missed the point (and heart behind) my post.
1. whether someone is or isn't homosexual or heterosexual makes no difference to the Christian calling to love. I have love for you Frank. I desire the best for you. Love, as understood within the Scriptures is unconditional. But love does not mean that people can't disagree. You have mentioned before that you are married...I am sure you have not agreed with your wife on every thing through the years; but you still love her and you press on toward resolution and a deeper relationship. It works the same way with children, love doesn't mean never correcting my child. Love is not being is the only sure foundation for true tolerance.
I agree that it isn't any of my business (in the sense of asking my permission or inform me) for someone to be gay, or straight, or to paint themselves blue or to yodel in the shower--it is a free country. and the law reflects that in sexuality. But the debate is not about sexuality, it is about marriage. And the context of sexuality and family rise to the societal level which effects us all and in that sense it is everyone's business when it comes to marriage and adoption etc...
Finally, the genetics behind sexual orientation is far from being conclusive (the research is still very young)--there are many complicated factors involved; many not known.
Genetics may predispose to a lot of things, but there are only a handful of things shown so far that it determines...and sexual orientation is not one of them.
If God exists, and he designed and created humanity, then he does give a hoot about sexuality and human flourishing. If God doesn't exist, then he obviously doesn't give a hoot. You are free to believe whatever you like, but it is not unreasonable for theists (most of the planet by the way) to think God might play a role in this conversation.
Unfortunately, some Christians have been hateful. That is deeply regrettable to me, has been hurtful to many, and God is neither pleased with or honored by that.
"But the debate is not about sexuality, it is about marriage. And the context of sexuality and family rise to the societal level which effects us all and in that sense it is everyone's business when it comes to marriage and adoption etc..."
Nope, its still none of your business.
Now, if homosexuals could be proven to be a detriment to society on the lines of locusts or swine flu then, sure, its our business.
But you are asserting that "society" has some sort of innate "right" to presuppose that two women cannot share a house and home together because of the way they show love to each other.
That is simply ludicrous unless you can lay out a convincing, secular reason that our government should poke its nose into their business.
What possible detriment could the be upon society, Jonathan?
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