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Having Helpful Spiritual Conversations

Think Christianly: Having Helpful Spiritual Conversations

Friday, April 24, 2009

Having Helpful Spiritual Conversations

I came across an excellent piece of advice in Greg Koukl's excellent new book, Tactics: A Game-Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions

"Always make it a goal to keep your conversations cordial. Sometimes that will not be possible. If a principled, charitable expression of your ideas makes someone mad, there's little you can do about it. Jesus' teaching made some people furious. Just make sure it's your ideas that offend and not you, that your beliefs cause the dispute and not your behavior."

A good word.

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Blogger Frank Dracman said...

I came across an excellent piece of advice in Greg Koukl's excellent new book, "Tactics: A Game-Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions"In Great Brittan, is is considered a little taboo to discuss one's personal convictions. That is a welcomed stance.

I was once a member of a church who had door knocking campaigns. Why? Yes, I know the bible says to do that but we don't torture people on the cross these days, either.

Why do Christians insist on discussing their personal convictions with those who have not asked? You woudl not dare knock on my door and ask if I had sex with my wife that morning (the naswer would generally be "yes" by the way!) so why would you think of asking me to share my stance on heaven, hell and the Creator?

Why not keep your faith personal and share with like minded people?

April 28, 2009 at 4:05 PM  
Blogger Jonathan Morrow said...

Quick question Frank, if none of this matters...why do you spend valuable time trying to convince me I am following a lie and that you have the truth? Why not keep your lack of faith to yourself and like minded friends? Why get on forums and discuss this stuff?

I think we both know the answer to that question.

April 28, 2009 at 4:28 PM  
Blogger Jonathan Morrow said...

BTW- I am glad you and your wife are enjoying your marriage. But I know of no religion that basis eternal destiny on the frequency of s_x with your spouse.

April 28, 2009 at 4:31 PM  
Blogger Frank Dracman said...

Quick question Frank, if none of this matters...why do you spend valuable time trying to convince me I am following a lie and that you have the truth? Why not keep your lack of faith to yourself and like minded friends? Why get on forums and discuss this stuff?It is a combination of things. I love a good debate - especially when I believe I am winning. Winning a debate with a believer on the existence of god, science, evolution, big bang and all that is easy because I have facts and reality on my side.

You are a smart guy, Jonathan. You are a much more worthy opponent that the usual run-of-the-mill fundamentalist who can't argue themselves out of a paper bag. That is a compliment and I am being sincere. ;)

Mostly, I just dig science, philosophy and the search for Ultimate Truth. At this stage of my life, I want as much "truth" and as little false as possible. I want to be as moral as an imperfect human can be. I think religion is a "falsehood" and a source of immorality and evil.

Also, I plan to serve society in a higher capacity some day so I fine tune my talking points with folks like you at every opportunity.

So I'm using you as my sharpening stone, Jonathan. Thanks for the sacrifice!

Oh, and I also enjoy writing and sharing my ideas with people who have not considered this stuff before.

April 30, 2009 at 5:45 PM  
Blogger Jonathan Morrow said...

"Winning a debate with a believer on the existence of god, science, evolution, big bang and all that is easy because I have facts and reality on my side."

you are free to beleive that if it helps you sleep at night ;)

BTW - I appreciate the compliment.

I think you care because you care about the truth--humans can't not care about it. That is a good thing. And so do I. It seems we are too reasonable people who disagree on the evidence. But reality is far from "on your side". Science as helpful as it is can only explain so much--and if that is the only source of knowledge you allow yourself, that is a thin world indeed. (even the nature of sciecne is not a scientific question). and the morals you are trying to persue are not physical in nature, so they will remain elusive.

How old are you Frank? Thinking about running for office someday?

May 1, 2009 at 9:56 AM  

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