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Summit Ministries Training Students to Think Christianly

Think Christianly: Summit Ministries Training Students to Think Christianly

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Summit Ministries Training Students to Think Christianly

I wanted to draw attention to an organization that is helping students cultivate a Christian worldview. If you are a high school or college student looking for a wonderful way to grow in your faith, consider going to a Summit Conference this summer.

Here is what Summit Ministries is...

"Summit Ministries is an educational Christian ministry whose very existence is a response to our current post-Christian culture. Today, countless Christian youth have fallen victim to the popular ideas of our modern world. Most have adopted these ideas into their own worldview, while still others go on to renounce their Christian faith altogether.

Summit views its role in God's kingdom as a catalyst to counteract this alarming trend. However, our ultimate goal supersedes simply training. As Christians are challenged to stand strong in their faith and defend truth, they will also be equipped to have a positive influence on the society in which they live."

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Blogger Barry said...

Hey Jonathan,
One error I have seen from looking at the sites you linked to and from hearing other Christian viewpoints, left and right, is that usually everyone seems to think they bring an untainted Christian worldview to the table. As if the direction they receive is absolutely from God. And how could it not be? They claim to know this direction because they claim to know absolute truth.
It is difficult for me to see anyone claim they have a completely good and true understanding not only of Christianity but of God and his call for us in this world.
Whether we like it or not we are embedded with the culture we live in. And that isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just something that needs to be known and admitted.
Thanks for your post.

May 14, 2008 at 8:00 PM  
Blogger Jonathan Morrow said...

Hello barry. Thanks for your comments. I think you are correct in the need for Christians and all people for that matter to admit that they see things from a certain perspective. We all come to issues with certain expetations, preunderstandings, and assumptions. However, that is why it is important to be critical (in the appropriate sense) of these and examine to see if our default or what we have recieved from our community is in fact so. The best approach to a theological method of this flavor I have come accross is "To Know and Love God: Method for Theology" by David Clark. If you are familiar with the category, a "critical realist" approach to reality and knowledge. This allows for appropriate humility, but also genuine knowledge and truth.

May 15, 2008 at 3:23 PM  

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