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Summary of Alvin Plantinga's Updated Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism

Think Christianly: Summary of Alvin Plantinga's Updated Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism

Friday, August 31, 2012

Summary of Alvin Plantinga's Updated Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism

"The basic idea of my argument could be put (a bit crudely) as follows. First, the probability of our cognitive faculties being reliable, given naturalism and evolution, is low. (To put it a bit inaccurately but suggestively, if naturalism and evolution were both true, our cognitive faculties would very likely not be reliable.) But then according to the second premise of my argument, if I believe both naturalism and evolution, I have a defeater for my intuitive assumption that my cognitive faculties are reliable. If I have a defeater for that belief, however, then I have a defeater for any belief I take to be produced by my cognitive faculties. That means that I have a defeater for my belief that naturalism and evolution are true. So my belief that naturalism and evolution are true gives me a defeater for that very belief; that belief shoots itself in the foot and is self-referentially incoherent; therefore I cannot rationally accept it. And if one can’t accept both naturalism and evolution, that pillar of current science, then there is serious conflict between naturalism and science." - Alvin Plantinga

*Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism (p. 314). Oxford University Press. Kindle Edition.

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