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"Helping the Next Generation Think Christianly About All of life"
Labels: Bible, Christianity, Faith, historical jesus
Men and women are obviously complementary in nature. This is not a matter of holy writ. Without the man and the woman, it is not possible to produce children. Without the ability to produce children, the political community has no future whatsoever. It will die out like the Shakers, who chose celibacy. This interest in the future is clearly a political interest since the political community emerges from families. Families form villages. Villages form towns. Towns grow into cities. And so on. Male-female marriage is the basis of the political community. For that reason, it is obviously rational for the political community to take an interest in affirming, sustaining, and protecting male-female marriage.
Same-sex pairings are not procreative. The answer will come back that many heterosexual marriages are not procreative. That is true, but the marriage is still rooted in the complementarity of the sexes and the complementary sex act. The man and woman share an intimate relationship based on the way their bodies are made to fit together. You could say God made this design. You could say it emerged from evolution. Regardless, it is clear that the male sex organ and the female sex organ work in harmony in a way that the male sex organ and a non-sexual male organ do not. This biological fact is the reason for the long existence of marriage between men and women. Marriage would not exist without it.
Homosexuality was once considered a disorder. Looking back on those who thought so, can we say with great confidence that their conclusion was invidious or irrational? Or was it to some degree a reasonable position to take considering that the desire to engage in sexual stimulation (not intercourse as that is impossible) with members of the same sex is highly atypical for human beings and, biologically speaking, does not make sense? And there is little question of that. Biologically speaking, the act of a man attempting to have sex with a man or a woman having sex with a woman makes no sense at all.
There are a number of atypical behaviors to which some human beings appear to be predisposed. We do not need to make a list, but I am sure we can agree that such behaviors exist. Our reaction to these atypical behaviors is mostly to accept without having to positively affirm.
Given these realities, it is not surprising at all that the history of marriage has been the history of men and women marrying each other. Marriage is a direct consequence of the biological complementarity of the sexes. While we should not positively inhibit same-sex pairings, we should not give those pairings the same status as male-female marriage.
Labels: Cultural Observations, Faith and Politics, Gay Marriage, Religious Freedom, same sex marriage
Labels: Interviews, Jonathan Morrow's Writings, Think Christianly
Labels: Abortion, human rights, politics
Labels: Bible, Christianity, Faith
Labels: Compassion and Justice, Faith and Politics, pro-all-of-life, same sex marriage, Worldview
Labels: Jesus Christ, Theology, Truth
Labels: Apologetics, Bible, historical jesus, New Testament
Labels: Alan Shlemon, Bible, same sex marriage, Theology, Tough Questions - Homosexuality
Labels: Apologetics, Think Christianly, Truth, Worldview
Labels: Christianity, Faith and Culture, Faith and Politics, Government, Religious Freedom, Truth
Labels: Alan Shlemon, Ethics, Homosexuality, same sex marriage, Sexuality, Tough Questions - Homosexuality
Labels: Apologetics, Faith and Culture, Jonathan Morrow's Writings, Think Christianly, Worldview
"In the most recent Gallup poll on abortion, as many Americans described themselves as pro-life as called themselves pro-choice. A combined 58 percent of Americans stated that abortion should either be “illegal in all circumstances” or “legal in only a few circumstances.” These results do not vary appreciably by gender: in the first Gallup poll to show a slight pro-life majority, conducted in May 2009, half of American women described themselves as pro-life. But if you’ve followed the media frenzy surrounding the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation’s decision — which it backpedaled from, with an apology, after a wave of frankly brutal coverage — to discontinue about $700,000 in funding for Planned Parenthood, you would think all these millions of anti-abortion Americans simply do not exist. From the nightly news shows to print and online media, the coverage’s tone alternated between wonder and outrage — wonder that anyone could possibly find Planned Parenthood even remotely controversial and outrage that the Komen foundation had “politicized” the cause of women’s health....." (more)
Labels: Abortion, Faith and Culture, politics, pro-all-of-life
Labels: Alan Shlemon, Bible, Christianity, Homosexuality, same sex marriage, Tough Questions - Homosexuality