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Bart Ehrman and the New Testament Text--is he Right?

Think Christianly: Bart Ehrman and the New Testament Text--is he Right?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bart Ehrman and the New Testament Text--is he Right?

Skeptical New Testament Textual Critic, Bart Ehrman, is a media darling. After all, what could be more provocative than a former evangelical, self-proclaimed "born again" Christian, who seeks to undermine people's confidence in the Bible's reliability. Is Ehrman Right?

Here's a critique by William Lane Craig (listen)

Bart was on the Colbert Report (here)

Jesus Interrupted reviewed and critiqued by Ben Witherington (here)

See Dan Wallace's refutation of Bart's Misquoting Jesus: "How Badly Did the Early Scribes Corrupt the New Testament? An Examination of Bart Ehrman's Claims" by Daniel B. Wallace in:

also, here

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