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Jesus - Accepting His Teaching and Lordship in Everyday Life

Think Christianly: Jesus - Accepting His Teaching and Lordship in Everyday Life

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Jesus - Accepting His Teaching and Lordship in Everyday Life

When it comes to following Jesus (whether followers for quite sometime or anyone considering following him for the first time), we have to ask a very fundamental question. Was Jesus right?

“Jesus is Lord can mean little in practice for anyone who hesitates before saying Jesus is smart…he is not just nice, he is brilliant. He is the smartest man who ever lived”--Dallas Willard (The Divine Conspiracy)

Jesus needs to know about life...not just heaven someday. And He does...He has a PHD in all of life. The disciple of Jesus starts by saying Jesus is right, about everything.

John Ortberg summarizes this well:

“…if I want to fully experience the love of Jesus, I must receive one of his most important gifts he sends me—his teaching. I must invite Jesus to be the personal Teacher of my life. I must trust that he is right—about everything. And that therefore where I disagree with him I must either be wrong or not yet understand what it was he was saying. I must allow Jesus to teach me how to live.”

That is a good posture to start and conclude each day.

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