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Labels: Cultural Observations, fatherhood, manhood, Marriage, Movies
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"Helping the Next Generation Think Christianly About All of life"
Labels: Cultural Observations, fatherhood, manhood, Marriage, Movies
Reason #5 – They wrestle with the exclusive nature of Christianity.
"Younger Americans have been shaped by a culture that esteems open-mindedness, tolerance and acceptance. Today’s youth and young adults also are the most eclectic generation in American history in terms of race, ethnicity, sexuality, religion, technological tools and sources of authority. Most young adults want to find areas of common ground with each other, sometimes even if that means glossing over real differences. Three out of ten young Christians (29%) said “churches are afraid of the beliefs of other faiths” and an identical proportion felt they are “forced to choose between my faith and my friends.” One-fifth of young adults with a Christian background said “church is like a country club, only for insiders” (22%)."
Labels: Apologetics, Students, Truth, Welcome to College, Worldview, Youth Pastors
Labels: Students, Welcome to College, Youth Pastors
"Recently on The Gospel Coalition blog, Kevin DeYoung offered a blunt reminder: “the President is not God.” This sounds like stating the obvious, but DeYoung’s reminder is a timely one as we enter another election.As Christians, we should know that utopia will not be ushered in by any sitting president. Now to be sure, there can be good and bad presidents who either promote the public good or undermine it--but they are limited. And as we think Christianly about politics, this is a first principle we need to operate with.
Americans, even Christians who should know better, have a tendency to want our President to “right every wrong, solve every problem, fix every pothole, provide health and prosperity for all, and on top of that be a likeable, fatherly, dignified, fun-loving, brilliant, down-home, urbane, humorous, serious, athletic, good looking, poet-warrior-manager man…”
No one can live up to that! But because we expect these things, candidates end up making promises that far exceed their capacity and voters have their misplaced hopes dashed time and time again.
That doesn’t mean we should abandon the political process as some have suggested. No way. Be informed and be involved. We need competent, morally sound leadership like never before. But let’s keep our hope in the right place...." (read more)
Labels: Christianity, Faith and Politics, Theology, Thinking Christianly, Worldview
"A majority of scientists say religion and science don't always conflict, according to new survey results released by Rice University.
The study, conducted over five years through in-depth interviews with scientists at universities whose fields range from biology and chemistry to social sciences like political science and economics, dispels the widely held notion that religion and science are incompatible.
“When it comes to questions about the meaning of life, ways of understanding reality, origins of Earth and how life developed on it, many have seenreligion and science as being at odds and even in irreconcilable conflict,” said Rice sociologist Elaine Ecklund. Yet, a majority of the scientists Ecklund and her colleagues interviewed saw both religion and science as “valid avenues of knowledge” she said.
Ecklund and her team interviewed 275 tenured and tenure-track faculty members from 21 research universities in the United States. Only 15 percent of respondents said religion and science were always in conflict, while 15 percent said the two were never in conflict. The majority, 70 percent, said religion and science are only sometimes in conflict....(read the rest)
Labels: Christianity, Faith, Naturalism, Philosophy, Science, Truth, Worldview
Labels: Apologetics, Christianity, Faith, Jesus Christ, Truth, Worldview, Youth Pastors
"Millions of college freshmen are overwhelmed right now trying to make new friends, adjusting to more rigorous school work and learning to live away from home. Whether they also find time for church during their first two weeks on campus will set the mold for the rest of their college years, according to new research.
These findings come from a six-year study of approximately 500 Christian youth group members, conducted by Fuller Theological Seminary’s Fuller Youth Institute in Pasadena, Calif.
The study’s results will be released Sept. 17 in “Sticky Faith: Everyday Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in Your Kids.” The book examines why, according to a 2006 report by Christian research firm Barna Group, 61 percent of 20-somethings who regularly attended church as teenagers later left the pews...." (Read the rest of this article)
Labels: Christianity, Jonathan Morrow's Writings, Students, Truth, Welcome to College, Worldview, Youth Pastors
Labels: Apologetics, Christianity, Podcast, Thinking Christianly, Worldview
Labels: fatherhood, manhood, Movies, Pop Culture, Truth
Labels: Christianity, Knowledge, Mind, Thinking Christianly, Truth
How Do We Know That Jesus Is Who He Claimed To Be? - Jonathan Morrow from Think Christianly on Vimeo.
Labels: Apologetics, Bible, Christianity, Existence of God, historical jesus, Resurrection, Truth
"Many Christians heading off to college are simply unprepared for the intellectual, spiritual and moral challenges that await them. Confronted with new ideas, strong desires and relational pressures, it's not surprising that so many drift away from their childhood faith. But it doesn't have to be this way! In this timely book, David Horner offers students a compelling vision of what it means to follow Jesus Christ with a mature faith during the college years and beyond. High school graduates need to read this book!" (Jonathan Morrow, author of Welcome to College and founder of
Labels: Apologetics, Biola, Christianity, Faith, Knowledge, Students, Truth, Worldview